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Frequently Asked Questions

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How can I download information into my personal financial software?

What file formats can I use to download data?

If I select the "All transactions" option, what transactions will I download?

If I select the "New transactions" option, what transactions will I download?


How can I download information into my personal financial software?

The information you download is compatible with many of the leading personal finance programs, including Quicken, Microsoft Money, and Microsoft Excel. To download a report into any of these programs, select the program you want to download into and then click Download.

When downloading to QIF, a file opens in a new window. When downloading to Excel, a worksheet opens within a frame. To return to the reporting page without closing the application, please use the Back button.   Back to top

What file formats can I use to download data?

You can export any report into QIF file format (for Quicken and Microsoft Money) or the CSV file format (for Microsoft Excel).    Back to top

If I select the "All transactions" option, what transactions will I download?

You will export all transactions that are available for the report you selected regardless of whether you downloaded them before.   Back to top

If I select the "New transactions" option, what transactions will I download?

You will export only the transactions that you have not yet downloaded. A checkmark in the last column on the right indicates the data has been previously downloaded.    Back to top